Words from Dalia continue to be a source of amazement for Mama (me). Or, "Nah nah", as she calls me. Dalia has started to use the word "help" instead of whining sounds when either (1) asking for something - usually something she shouldn't be playing with, or (2) asking for help. She can make a sentence, like, "Help, Mama" or, "Mama toes." One morning I read her a story about a little rooster, and made a Cock-a-doodle-doo sound. She says, "goo goo gah goo!". This morning when she woke up the second time (she woke up at 3:45 wanting a bottle), she sat up and smiled and said, "goo goo gah goo!".
World Cup Football is big here. One of Dalia's favorite words is, "Messi!" She yells "Messi", smiles and puts her hands in the air as if she's making a touchdown. Messi plays for Argentina. Tal's brother, Peter is visiting from Atlanta. I learned that today, the boys, Tal and Peter watched the World Cup for a few hours. Dalia ran around them, around and around, flopping on pillows, laughing, flopping over and over again. This is a wild child! She has so much energy.
Tonight, my Mom called. I put Granda Patty on speaker phone. As soon as Dalia heard her voice, she put the backs of her hands together and clapped like a walrus said "Ohr Ohr", the walrus noise, and then put her hands next to her head like she was sleeping. This she remembered from when my Mom was visiting in April, when they looked at a photo of a walrus, sleeping on a rock, at Lillian's desk at CAWLI, our agency.
Ralph and Ginger, Tal's parents, came here 3 weeks ago to help out while I went to work part time. They have SO much fun with her and she with them - playing, reading, doing art. Ralph is the official chicken caretaker -- he walks into our house in the morning and Dalia says, "bock, boh boh bock bock bock" like a chicken. Then she goes outside with her Grandpa, and they feed the chickens, give them water and dandelion leaves.
Dalia is elligible for services for occupational therapy, i.e. eating, and speech therapy through the Family, Infant and Toddler Program (which has a new name - can't remember!). The FIT program is run out of the Addison County Parent Child Center, where I am on the Board and where Dalia will go to day care in the fall. My insurance covers it, thankfully; but if it didn't the PCC would pay. We are so fortunate.
Michelle, the intake coordinator met with Dalia and me 2 weeks ago. I filled out a "21-month assessment" for Dalia. She is above average on developmental skills, and even on her language. A little borderline above on "problem solving" - probably because she has only been here for 3 months.
Sandy, the occupational therapist came to visit. I learned that because of her cleft palate, the nerve endings in her mouth might not work evenly - there may be spots where she doesn't feel as much or may be more sensitive. I learned that I will be doing some exercises with Dalia and some chew toys to "awaken her mouth." We'll be mixing thicker drinks for her so she can practice using her top lip on a cup and sucking in the liquid. Dalia loves popsicles - she eats 3-6 each day. Sandy thinks this is because the popsicles "awaken her mouth" also. Dalia likes to brush her teeth, which we will encourage.
Today was my first day back to work full-time. I know she was very happy here at home, so that helps. Now... off to Minnesota and Wisconsin!
Congratulations, Henry on graduating from North Branch School!! Well done. You are ready...