On Thursday, we received Dalia's "Playlab Mid-Year Report" in Dalia's cubby, along with an adorable laminated ornament, a photo of her smiling so wide her eyes turn to horizontal slits. (One of the things I think about when I am not with her...how her eyes start to change shape when she makes a subtle joke, when she starts to laugh, and when she laughs so hard I can't see any part of her eyes.)
"Dalia is a very bright, happy, and busy little person. She adjusted very quickly to being in a new classroom and developed strong connections to teachers and peers. She is popular and has adjusted well to classroom routines. She does test limits in an age-appropriate way. Affect is almost always positive."
As Tal said, "A+ for Dalia!" The report went on to describe Dalia's Gross Motor and Fine Motor skills, Communication, Cognitive abilities, and Social/Emotional. Dalia and the other kids at Playlab received beautiful hardcover books; Dalia's is "There's a Nightmare in my Closet."
Dalia, in an orphanage and/or foster care for the first 18+ months of her life, is now more advantaged than most of the kids at Playlab in terms of the socioeconomic background (and place) and education of Tal and me, her parents. Tal and I certainly help shape her learning, her vocabulary most of all, but her personality would shine through in any circumstance, no matter what.
Most people reading this will know that Tal and I are separated (since August). We are both parenting Dalia, and working together to do so, to communicate, to understand her needs and encourage her growth.
She is now over 26 pounds. She's in the 50th percentile for height and weight, and in the 75th percentile for head circumference. Yea! I took Dalia to a naturopath last week to get input and some other options for some skin issues she's had and is having, and to learn more about what we can do to boost her immune system and help make up for all of the antibiotics she's been on. The Dr. was impressed with the variety of foods and liquids in her diet, and blown away by her vocabulary.
She is still challenged with Bs and Ps, substituting Ks and Gs for those sounds. But her "S" as in Snowman is clear as day!
Last Monday morning, she woke up and looked at the shade. "Stripes on there." Then looked at the pillow cases - the ones that were on the pillows my Mom used when she visited. "Stripes on there, too. Grandma's pillows. Grandma home." She woke up, played while I got dressed, and out of nowhere, brought me my glasses. I put some socks on her: "Dalia, these socks are a gift to you from Grandma Patty." Dalia said, "Thank you Grandma. Happy Hanukkah!"
Dalia will be spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Tal, Henry, Calder, Blair, and John. We are then taking the bus to Boston, and flying out the next day to visit family and friends in MN and WI. Dalia's adventures continue! Thank you - family and friends - for keeping in touch. It means so much to us.
So glad to hear how well Dalia is doing. Hope you made it safely out of the blizzard. Happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas, and Happy 2011!