Dalia's surgery went without complication. Yea! We asked the anesthesiologist to try to have her come out slowly... to avoid her waking up without us there (like last time), rushing back and hearing her scream for Mama. This time, we had plenty of time to talk to Dr. Laub, and then go back to post-op. It took her about 20 minutes to "wake up" and then we waited another 45 minutes before heading up to her room.
Her first words were, "My mouth hurts." Which she repeated many times until she received some morphine... and fell back to sleep. We had a nice room, down the hall from where we have been the previous three times, i.e. right outside the nurses' station. We didn't have a room mate. After a few hours of reading Dr. Seuss and Go Dog Go, Dalia was ready to drive her cars -- Baird 5 has a variety of toy cars and carts for the kids to sit in while parents "drive" around and around the floor. The playroom was fun for her - a pool of plastic balls, play ovens, plastic Plutos with cars, more and more. Oh, and the zebra that Dalia can sit and jump on.
She watched an Elmo video - lately her favorite is about the Outdoors -- animals and the weather. Her favorite part is at the very end, when a big brown swirling tornado with bushy eyebrows that comes into Elmo's house. She calls him, "mado".
We had a good time playing with her. At 8 pm, she and I were up on the "crib" bed, she was jumping up and down as if it were trampoline. She took the Oxygen sensors and put it on Tigger's foot and ear... Playing Dr. Dalia again. A few hours later, she was complaining of pain again - a full 3 hours before she was to get her next meds. "I'm not feeling well." "My mouth hurts." Then to sleep - sleep most of the night, so we did, too.
The next morning, Dalia was up and playing at 6 AM. Finally drank her fluids, which meant she could go home! Dr. Laub stopped by, heard her speak and was VERY pleased. Nasal sound... practically GONE. It's amazing. She really does sound different. Dalia ran around the hospital lobby in her diaper, bare feet and Elmo pajama top while I chased her and waited for a prescription. She yelled "neega! neega!" which is her version of "Areeba, Areeba" from the Speedy Gonzalez cartoons...Everyone coming into the hospital from the 10 degree weather smiled as they saw her. She took a wipe and cleaned off the list of donors to the hospital, carved into glass. Then at 9:30 AM as we got into the car, she slept.
She is saying full sentences, "I dropped my notebook." "I want to snuggle with you." Every day, she says more and more words and sentences; she talks about events, people and animals from the past with no prompting.
Now she is sitting across from me at the table, drawing with two little pens into her Lightning McQueen notebook. Ready to go back to Playlab tomorrow!!!
Thank you all for sending your good wishes.
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