Happy 3rd Birthday Dalia - August 20, 2011. Little Dongling - I feel so fortunate that you were born 3 years ago, and that through luck and miracles I am able to be your Mama. I hope to always be able to truly celebrate your birthday and let you know how special you are, and how you make everyone who meets you smile. I thank G-d for your biological parents, and I think of them a lot around the time of your birthday. I send them my love and knowledge that the girl they brought into this world is healthy, happy, and strong, and will know who she is and that she was born in Tianshui, Gansu Province, China, on the Silk Road.
One of Dalia's teachers, Peggy, is convinced that Dalia comes from a long line of Chinese acrobats. Could be!
She had a party the night before her birthday at Baba's, with a cake decorated once again by brother Calder and Grandma Ginger. I picked her up on her birthday and took her to Twitchell Hill Farm for a little pony riding lesson. She rode Grace Dayton's pony, Hype (Hyperion) with Emily, her teacher. At first she didn't want to get on. "No thank you." she kept saying. Finally, I lifted her on... and then saw that little smile come across her face. Since her ride on Hype, we've been back to visit a few times and will take another lesson before the snow falls.
We swam at the Vergennes Pool -- on the last day it was open for the summer. That hit too soon. We had ice cream cake with Mark on the deck, and Dalia got her bday gift of a blue Schwinn bike with training wheels. Spent the next day decorating it with ribbons... And we made a spectacular Scooby-Doo cake thanks to Mark, who had the mold and the icing tips. Had a party that night with friends, and delicious Chinese food. I wished the night could have gone on for many more days!
Dalia is back at Playlab full time. Playing at the light table -- with clear colored plastic shapes with magnetic edges. She builds houses and designs with such focus - it's her favorite thing to do. Along with dancing around the room, sitting on Howdy's lap, going to the bleachers... and pretty much anything else they do at this fabulous school. She is now one of the older kids, and certainly has more words than anyone in the room (except the adults).
She runs very quickly and steadily; she has great balance. Loves to hang and swing and climb and tumble. She is pretty much potty trained (except at night). Amidst all of this independence, yet, at ballet class on Saturday morning, she is afraid, and has yet to go into the classroom. She is dressed in her leotard and tights and ballet slippers... and just at that moment, says "carry me!" And she sits on my lap and is quiet. Still 3, still a little little kid who needs to be allowed to be that way.
Grandma Ginger introduced her to the song, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." I sing this to her; we listen to Mavis Staples in the car. I gave her my interpretation of what the song means, the chariot coming down from heaven to bring people to a better place. I have a few variations of this story, some that involve negro spirituals, some less specific. One version has to do with dying and going to heaven. Dalia said, "I want to die." I said, "No, honey, you want to have a very long and happy and healthy life."
Dalia: "Grandpa Don died."
Me: "Yes, he did."
Dalia: "I think he was singing about the chariot."
One morning, I was talking with her about taking her to the doctor, when I could take her, what if we waited a day... She looked right at me and said, "Mom. Let it be."
Grandma Patty visited - yea!! We had such a great time playing. Grandma really knows how to be a kid and laugh with Dalia. Thank you, Mom for coming to visit and helping out!! Grandma goes to the co-op every day and buys yummy treats like flax sticks. Dalia brought a bag to school last week and went around up to everyone with the bag open, "would you like some sticks?"
Enjoying every minute of not having to deal with snow.
Love to friends and family!
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