So many changes, a toddler growing up, now a little girl.
We moved from Vermont to St. Paul, MN last May, 2012. We said Zai Jian and Au Revoir but not goodbye. Friends, playments, colleagues wished us goodbye in the beautiful spring sunshine, and we flew out on the day of Middlebury Commencement. (Bad planning, but time was short; and I had a job to start.). We carried the Green Mountains in our hearts. We were welcomed with open arms, spring in Minnesota, the Dinosaur exhibit at the Minnesota Zoo. I started my position as Director of Development at Breck School on June 1, and Dalia started at Camp Breck for the summer. Going from Playlab to Camp Breck was a big transition. We were both a little unsure about the structure part - the rules, the walking in line, calling teachers "Mrs. and Mr.", sitting "criss-cross-apple-sauce" at lunch. But, we adjusted. Dalia was immersed in activities indoors and outdoors, swimming in the Breck pool, games, art, projects, and being around the older kids. We had our annual trip to Bob's Cabins for Grandma's marathon - which always goes too quickly.
Her surgery last July went well. Soft palate seems to be closed. Now the focus is on speech therapy. She goes to speech therapy at Children's Hospital in Mpls once or twice a week. Her therapist, Noelle, is wonderful with her. THey are focusing on "S" and "F". Dalia is now able to know which words have these sounds and correct herself when she sends the sound through her nose rather than her mouth.
Our stuff did not arrive at our new house until July. The traffic was deadening. But... friends and family were everywhere, summer nights were beautiful, we spent lots of time at Grandma's, too Mommy/daughter yoga, and settled in. At the end of the summer, Dalia went back to Vermont for 2 weeks to visit her Dad. When I picked her up, she was naked, jumping on the trampoline with wild hair.
We took 3 trips to the State Fair, including 5 visits to the butterfly tent and were followed by a robot. Then, Dalia started preschool at Breck. Right away, it was clear how much she would be learning in her vibrant classroom, from Mrs. Rogers and Miss Kordosky, and the 18 other kids. Avery and Nico, Sawyer and Winona, Jayla and Ava...fast friends. Dalia's teacher loves to teach natural science - the seasons, Minnesota study, animals, snow, peppers and other "units." The classroom is taught Montessori style. She also has Chinese twice a week -- with songs and learning characters, music -- she sings all the time; art - so so much art at Breck - it is wonderful; Religion -- lots of talk about God; gym class -- movement and games, body awareness, yoga; and extended day -- before and after school hours when I am at work. Dalia does a lot of coloring, playing with lego and other building projects, cars, cards, and playground. Her days are full.
In October, we went back to Middlebury for the 30th Anniversary of the Chinese Department. I heard the Dalai Lama. Dalia spent the weekend with her Dad and came home talking about the Dalai Lama, and about kindness.
Grandma Ginger has been to visit several times! She and Dalia immerse themselves in art projects at home and have a ball together. Dad visited in December when I was at a conference. We live in a little bungalow, perfect for us, and with room for guests. (Even though I am still unpacking... where is the time?)
Her vocabulary is extensive, colorful, broad. She can pull together words and make connections easily and in creative ways. Last week, I asked her to help me clean up the living room. She said, "Mom, let's not clean up, let's hug up." She wanted a hug. She is so affectionate, frequently saying "Mom, hug." "Mom, I love you." Her teachers say "she has a vast storage of knowledge." She showed me a Norway Pine the other day, differentiating it from the other pine trees. She is a dinosaur expert. She is becoming quite knowledgable about raptors.
She is a happy, joyful, funny, loving, creative, strong little girl.
We are visiting Grandma Patty now in Rancho Mirage, enjoying swimming, the warm weather.
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